
Lots and lots of stuff to do...

Yeah, every time I post I usually insert a blip about posting more. And I never do. But usually it's because something completely random comes up that screws up my planning, and I don't get around to this for like...a month and some odd days. School is one of those things. Whereas I didn't post in the summer because I'm lazy, I don't post now because I have lots of things to do, like homework, and JROTC. They suck up lots of time. Then I have to keep up with tech news, with RSS feeds and websites, then family, friends, etc, and then I have no time. School's pretty tough. I'm not going to say that I'm going to regularly post, because I can't guarantee that. I'll try my darnedest to.

So anyway, there's a JROTC meet that I'm going to on Saturday, and homecoming the same day, so I guess I'm excited. That's pretty much all that's been happening.


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