
Social Networking And Web 2.0 Are Awesome.

Well, if you had the ability to look on my Dashboard, you would see a plethora of social networks I belong to. But, since you don't, they are: Twitter, Facebook, AIM, GTalk, MySpace,, FriendFeed, Blogger (really?!),, Flickr, Radar, and Photobucket. A nice little collection, no? And it's all built on the idea of Web 2.0. Wikipedia defines Web 2.0 as:

"Web 2.0" refers to the second generation of web development and web design. It is characterized as facilitating communication, information sharing,interoperability, user-centered design[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. It has led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and web applications. Examples include social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups and folksonomies.

Since the dawn of human evolution, we have been social creatures. As time when on, we became closer, with the advent of settling down, villages, towns, cities, and political states. However, we as a species were still locked by travel time. The Internet soon changed that. It allowed almost instanteous communication with anyone in the world, but still it was...young.

But now, we can link with almost anyone in the world, almost 6.8 billion people. There's something quite humbling about that, to be honest. When my Facebook friend additions started to slightly peeter out, a conference I attended fixed that! While I knew those people for only 10 days, social networking has allowed me to stay in connected with them!

And now, with blogs (like this one), YouTube, Last.FM, Flickr, Radar, multimedia sharing has been added to the thick soup of Web 2.0.

I would say much more, but I'm really tired. Tomorrow, perhaps?

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